
About the Journal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Eget magna fermentum iaculis eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem. Quam quisque id diam vel quam elementum. Sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra. Egestas sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies. Viverra nam libero justo laoreet sit amet. Pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at imperdiet dui. Maecenas pharetra convallis posuere morbi. Odio morbi quis commodo odio aenean sed adipiscing diam donec. Suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id faucibus. Sed vulputate mi sit amet mauris commodo. Fames ac turpis egestas sed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque habitant. Dignissim enim sit amet venenatis urna cursus.

					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Test Journal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Eget magna fermentum iaculis eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem. Quam quisque id diam vel quam elementum. Sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra. Egestas sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies. Viverra nam libero justo laoreet sit amet. Pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at imperdiet dui. Maecenas pharetra convallis posuere morbi. Odio morbi quis commodo odio aenean sed adipiscing diam donec. Suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id faucibus. Sed vulputate mi sit amet mauris commodo. Fames ac turpis egestas sed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque habitant. Dignissim enim sit amet venenatis urna cursus.

Published: 2022-03-28


  • eu natoque tempus potenti. Elementum ultricies commodo ultricies auctor scelerisque commodo ac suscipit

    Muhammad Abdulrafay
    Abstract views: 2


  • Generate Lorem Ipsum placeholder text. Select the number of characters, words, sentences or paragraphs, and hit generate! e suspendisse sed nisi lacus sed

    Muhammad Abdulrafay
    Abstract views: 34
  • Nec libero tincidunt libero sodales orci rutrum elementum fermentum!

    Muhammad Abdulrafay
    Abstract views: 1
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Author Guidelines

Word Template and Guidelines

Our tailored Article template (Microsoft Word) will help you format and structure your article, with useful general advice and Word tips.

 Article Preparation

An original article would normally consist of 5000-7000 words (excluding figures, tables, and references), although high-quality articles that exceed 7000 words will be considered. Any original research article of fewer than 4000 words will be screened out at the first stage of scrutiny.

Title, Abstract, Keywords, Addresses, Biographical Notes

Please assist us by following these guidelines:

  • Title: as short as possible, with no abbreviations or acronyms.
  • Abstract: approximately 100 words, maximum 150. And abstract is divided into four sections 1- Objective 2- Design 3- Findings 4- Policy Implications 5- Originality
  • Keywords: approximately 4-10 words or phrases. Keywords are important for online searching;
  • Address*: position, department, the name of the institution, and email address for each author.
  • Biographical notes: (Optional) approximately 100 words per author, maximum 150.

* Author details should not be included in the blind manuscript. The author needs to upload two files at the submission stage: 1- Title Page containing the Authors details and 2- Blind Manuscript without author details.

You need to remove the names, email addresses, affiliations, and biographical notes of all the authors and any acknowledgments from the article's content. You should still keep the title, abstract, and keywords in the blind manuscript file.


SJOM uses APA style. See obtain information about APA style. The full guidelines are published in the Sixth Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and authors are strongly encouraged to refer to this Manual in the first instance. It is imperative to ensure that all works cited in the text are included in the References section. And all the citations are machine-readable. We also strongly encouraged the authors to use citation machines/software i.e. Endnote, Mendeley for citation purposes.

Points of Interest

Submissions will be acknowledged via email upon receipt. We strive to make an editorial decision in under 15 days, but circumstances beyond our control occasionally dictate a longer cycle. Each paper is typically reviewed by at least two reviewers and is also read by the section editor (either the Editor or an Associate Editor). Results of our decision, along with copies of the reviews, will be forwarded to the contact author as quickly as possible. If authors are invited to prepare a revision for further consideration, our letters of invitation will outline the key issues to be resolved and an assessment of the likelihood of success. Authors are normally given two to three weeks from the date of the invitation to prepare a revision. Our policy is to strive to make a final publication decision after one or two revisions (of course, further work may also be requested to resolve any remaining issues). Papers accepted to the SEISENSE JoM become part of the ONLINE publication, which provides immediate access to finalized manuscripts in CURRENT ISSUE. Online publication allows researchers and others in the field to read and cite the most current information available. 

Changes to Authorship after Submission

If one or more authors are added after the submission that was previously not listed as authors (or also if removal is requested), then we will have to follow the COPE process (see links below), meaning that a letter signed by all original authors is required, stating the reason for the change, and stating that all authors agree on the addition (or removal) and the new authorship order.
Please upload this letter signed by all authors as a supplementary file (for editorial eyes only).

COPE flowcharts:

  1. What types of articles does SJOM publish?

    • SJOM publishes a wide range of articles in the field of management, including but not limited to research articles, case studies, literature reviews, and theoretical papers. The journal focuses on innovative and impactful research that contributes to the field of management.
  2. How can I submit my manuscript to SJOM?

    • Manuscripts can be submitted through our online submission system. You will need to create an account and follow the submission guidelines provided on the SJOM website.
  3. What are the formatting requirements for submissions?

    • Submissions should follow the SJOM formatting guidelines, which include specific instructions for manuscript structure, referencing style (APA format), and other formatting details. Authors are encouraged to download the article template available on the SJOM website.
  4. Is there a fee for publishing in SJOM?

    • No, there are no submission/publication fee.
  5. What is the peer-review process at SJOM?

    • SJOM follows a double-blind peer-review process where both the reviewers and authors remain anonymous. Manuscripts are reviewed by at least two experts in the field, and the review process typically takes 7-8 weeks.
  6. How long does it take to get a decision on a submitted manuscript?

    • The initial decision, based on the peer-review process, usually takes around 9 weeks. If revisions are required, the time to final decision may vary depending on the response of the authors.
  7. Can I track the status of my submission?

    • Yes, you can track the status of your submission by logging into the online submission system. The system provides updates on each stage of the review process.
  8. What should I do if my manuscript is accepted?

    • If your manuscript is accepted, you will be required to prepare the final version of your paper according to the SJOM template and guidelines. The manuscript will then proceed to the copyediting and proofreading stages.
  9. How can I become a reviewer for SJOM?

    • Researchers and experts in the field of management can apply to become reviewers by filling out the reviewer application form on the SJOM website. Reviewers are expected to provide timely and constructive feedback on submitted manuscripts.
  10. How can I access articles published in SJOM?

    • Articles published in SJOM are available online and can be accessed through the journal's website. SJOM offers open access to its published articles, allowing readers to freely download and read the content.